Pet Health and Nutrition Information

Pet Training Tips

     Dog and Cat Training Tips 

Having a pet can be a great thing but having an un-trained pet can be a very frustrating thing. Training Dogs and cats can be a very difficult processes.

Dog Training Tips

Training a dog isn't an easy process but with lots of time, devotion and love it can be done. Main things in training a dog are house training so that they are not using the house as a toilet, training them to stop the out of control barking, this can be especially irritating when they neighbors can hear them, when you have company, or when you are trying to sleep.

Unless you are home 24 hours a day house breaking a puppy can be difficult. The main thing is you have to confine them to one area. Depending on the size of the dog you can keep them in a doggy cage or for a larger dog you can create an indoor doggy run for them. There are dog pads that you can purchase for them to go on during this time. This will teach them to go on that one spot and not everywhere. They will soon only be going on that area, and then you can start to move that doggy pad to outside. Unless you are home everyday to take the dog out 3 times a hour this technique should work for you, it's not a over night process and do expect to work hard for about 6 months.

Barking can be embarrassing and annoying. Dogs do not know what "stop barking" is, so how do we expect them to know if when we yell "stop barking" if it is a good or bad thing? If you choose one statement even if it is "stop barking" you need to use it every time. Other things can be a loud hiss, quit, halt or anything that works best for you. When your dog barks you need to yell your chosen statement and make sure they stop. When they do, give them a treat and they will know they did the correct thing with stopping the bark. After this make sure every time they bark you yell your statement.

Cat Training Tips

Training kittens can be a lot easier than training a dog. Cats have to be warned only a couple times to know they are doing the wrong thing. Raise your kitten to use the litter box from the time you bring them into the house. If you see your kitten using the restroom somewhere else you can move the feces into the litter box and this will teach them that is where they need to go.