Pet Health and Nutrition Information

Older Pets

     Older Animals and Protein Newsletter

Hi, and welcome to the newsletter! MEDICAL TOPIC: Over the years there has been much debate about how to feed older animals especially in regards to protein levels. Not much more than a decade or so ago, it was felt we should restrict protein intake in our seniors and geriatrics to protect organ functions, especially the kidneys.

Recent data has proven out exactly the opposite. Our aged companions very well may need similar protein levels as puppies and kittens, or about 50 percent more than what a middle-aged pet might need. This helps maintain muscle mass, supports the immune system and protects against various stresses.

Now, of course if an older pet does have kidney disease especially due to leaking of protein through the kidneys, then a lower amount of high quality protein is appropriate.

Any pet at any age with liver disease will require special protein, and restriction of protein intake, as well.

It is a fallacy though that protein, in and of itself, causes kidney disease or failure. Aggravation of existing conditions is true though.

This is fairly new data to me and I suspect as pet food companies continue to make more and more specialized diets, we will see this changed in senior pet foods.

Be sure to consult with your veterinarian before making any diet change to ensure there is no medical reason against it. Certainly yearly blood work and urine tests are appropraite for all pets 7 years or older to make sure the correct diet is fed. Also, if changing foods, do so gradually over 3 to 5 days mixing the old food with the new so to prevent diarrhea or other stomach upsets.

RECOMMENDED READING: "All Creatures Great and Small" by James Herriot. This is a classic book of stories about an old time veterinarian and his adventures with clients and animals. Warms the heart and puts a smile on one's face. This is one of the first books I read as a child about animals and I always enjoy picking it up again.

WEBSITE NEWS: Currently data is being gathered on various pet supplements in regards to how they aid a pets health, quality , and cost. Keep checking out the site as we do more research on this.

Thanks you for your request to be on the newsletter list. Please send any suggestions or cute pet stories (a new part to the newsletter soon) to me.

Bye for now,

Dr. Jan